Let's create new business

Profits is the purpose of building a business

If you will set up a corporation or business, do you know your purpose? To run a business must have a vision, mission, and a clear target. Even when a group of people will set up a charity, they also have a specific purpose. A business must have profits that you pour into the business plan. With the advantages that you will be able to continue in business, pay salaries and allow you to finance your life and family, even for the old days you were happy and prosperous.
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Profit. Image: rlweb.com.au

I would like to share these quotes:

Rule 1 - Remember - Business is to make money.
Rule 2 - Remember - Business is NOT to lose money.

Rule 3 - Remember - Not to forget rule 2. Laptop Millionaire's mentor

Quotes from Laptop Millionaire as mentioned above are very nice, and inspire us to serious when running our business. The goal of any business is profit (money). What we are doing is not financed from donations, but from our own money or a loan from a bank or financial institution.

If we do business, make sure that we have a strong commitment to that goal can be achieved gradually. That's why we cannot assume we are a business or company as a side job. You cannot just hope on luck, there should be hard work and smart work that must be done every day.
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Happy business.  Image: 123rf.com
Our minds have to focus without any disturbance from within ourselves as lazy, bored, delaying the work and do the job based on mood. We are no longer children of kindergarten can occasionally truant from activities. 

New businesses cannot be run with childish things. Maturity attitude and mind, as well as our actions are needed so that you are trusted by employees, customers, clients, and communities.

Our minds have to focus without any disturbance from within ourselves as lazy, bored, delaying the work, and do the job based on mood. We are no longer children of kindergarten who can occasionally truant from activities. 

Your success awaited by people who love you. They certainly support you with our prayers and are ready to work for you. Whatever your business, even with a small capital, we cannot take for granted. Make your small business to mid-sized business and one day becomes a big business.

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