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Showing posts with label online business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online business. Show all posts

Normal Baru Berbisnis Kopi Premium Dengan Modal Ringan. Ini Infonya

 Aroma kopi yang nikmat dan premium coffee tidak selalu ada di CafĂ© mewah atau Kedai Kopi. Gara-gara COVID-19 yang diakibatkan oleh wabah virus Corona tentu suasana Mall favorit terasa agak ngeri-ngeri, sehingga segan rasanya untuk ngopi di salah satu gerai kopi seperti di masa lalu. 

Pebisnis coffee shop di hotel, mall dan ruko sepi pengunjung yang bisanya ramai oleh para pelanggan lama dan baru. Bisnis mereka masih tertolong karena ada pesanan secara online dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi di smartphone. Banyak di antara kita yang memesan black coffee, cappuccino, caffe latte atau Kopi Gula Aren dengan cara online. 

                              Apakah sudah rindu ngopi di Kedai Kopi favorit? (

Namun ada perbedaan suasana dan rasa yang mungkin berbeda di alam bawah sadar kita karena kopi pesanan itu harus melalui perjalanan beberapa menit dari gerai kopi, meskipun itu dekat dari rumah atau tempat kos kita. Tentu lebih cozy dan afdol kalau bisa menyeruput kopi sambil ngobrol ngolor ngidul tentang berbagai isu politik, bisnis, PDKT dengan orang yang kita taksir atau hebohnya bergosip sambil arisan, juga reunian dengan teman SMA, TK atau mantan teman kerja di kantor lama. 

Saat ini sudah terjadi krisis ekonomi di berbagai negara. Mungkin banyak di antara kita yang agak turun kasta karena penghasilan menurun, sehingga lifestyle pun tidak segaya dulu lagi. Rasanya kok ngenes ya karena jumlah rupiah, dollar di rekening bank atau crypto di account kita kok menurun ya. Ini semua gara-gara Corona virus inio, sehingga hidup terasa agak ngilu dan mungkin sangat menyebalkan. Namun orang Tionghoa patut bersyukur dengan karakter yang ada pada kata Krisis, yaitu ada karakter peluang di selain krisis. 

Kalau anda bukan keturunan Tionghoa, kita pun perlu memaknai krisis dengan cara pandang optimis karena selalu ada peluang untuk memulai hidup baru yang lebih menggairahkan seperti harumnya aroma kopi premium. 

Jika belakangan ini selalu menjadi konsumen kopi secara online, maka dengan kecanggihan teknologi kita bisa start a new business, yaitu berbisnis kopi bubuk premium. Yang paling penting kopi ini asli Indonesia berasal dari salah satu wilayah Nusantara, yaitu di Jawa Tengah, tepatnya dari daerah Temanggung yang indah. 

                                 Anda bisa jadi Coffee Reseller Kopi Premium ini dengan modal ringan 

Kopi Temanggung dikelola oleh para petani kopi yang sudah memahami cara tanam kopi yang nantinya akan menghasilkan cita rasa kopi sejati Nusantara yang berhak dinikmati warga +62 dengan harga terjangkau. Nah, dibalik aroma kopi Temanggung ini ada peluang bisnis untuk menjadi Coffee Reseller. Jaman now adalah eranya kolaborasi, bukan bersaing antar teman. 

Anda bisa memaksimalkan smartphone dan tentu saja media sosial untuk menjadi seorang Coffee Reseller. Daripada menggerutu dan nyinyir terhadap situasi yang ada, yuk mulai bisnis dengan modal kecil. Tidak perlu pergi ke Bank untuk meminjam kredit, apalagi menjadikan rumah kita atau rumah mertua sebagai agunan. 

Memulai bisnis kopi tidak harus mengeluarkan modal besar. Yang penting kita punya teman pemasok kopi bubuk, misalnya Kopi OKE yang bisa dihubungi dengan mudah. Anda tidak perlu menyewa gudang untuk menyimpan stok kopi gurih dan segar ini. 

Yuk kontak saja lewat video call atau kirim message via WA ke nomor 0813 2981 0234. 

Siapakah dia? Ketika anda menghubungi dia anda akan mendapatkan nama lengkapnya. Kata kuncinya adalah anda bilang MASUK PAK EKO. Nah, dia pasti langsung faham bahwa anda akan memesan aneka kopi untuk konsumsi sambil stay at home atau working at home, dan silahkan negosiasi untuk menjadi Coffee Reseller

Cara menjadi pebisnis kopi bubuk ini nantinya anda bisa membuka gerai online di aplikasi tokopedia, bukalapak atau memaksimalkan WA group yang biasanya ramai dengan perbincangan Virus Corona, gosip politik dan video lucu. Nah sesekali ajak teman-teman memesan kopi melalui anda. Pasti banyak pecinta kopi sejati di group WA anda. Trust me lah. 

Informasi lengkap pasti anda dapatkan melalui nomor di atas. 

Nah, sebelum anda menghubungi nomor WA di atas, yuk saksikan dulu keseruan para Coffee Lovers yang ada di tayangan ini. 

Yuk mulai berbisnis kopi dan mengubah krisis menjadi peluang dengan modal ringan tanpa pinjam uang kepada ibu mertua. 

Smart tips for e-commerce and online business

Do you have enjoyed the enormity of online business? If you are serious, you can make money by making use of the website or the Internet. Global sales of e-commerce business to consumer (B2C) is expected to reach US$ 1.5 trillion in 2014. The rapid development of the online business is driven by the tremendous growth of users of smartphones and tablets, increased trust in e-commerce, and emerging payment methods, safe delivery, and innovative packaging.
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Start your online business now. Image:

If you want to take advantage of the wave of e-commerce, then as the online seller or prospective seller must understand how to optimize their business in order to compete in the e-commerce industry is growing rapidly and dynamically. Now you can get some smart tips, which can help sellers be more successful.

Just as in conventional business strategy, then in your online business is very important to know what you want to achieve and how to achieve your targets you want in your business plan.

The E-commerce market is changing very rapidly, it is important to have a flexible semi-annual plan, and also have a backup plan if the market suddenly changed. Even so, make a new plan only part of the steps that need to be done. To really understand whether you can get real results, and soon reached break-even, then there must be a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are set and monitored.

How to carry out the marketing strategies for businesses on the Internet

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Maximizing your laptop to create a marketing strategy.

Each of the products and services is need sales with a proper marketing strategy. Since the boom of various businesses on the Internet, it is also a growing number of conventional businesses that create a website to promote their products and services online. 

They want widely known nationally, and even globally. However, there is always a difference in our perspective on consumer behavior.
Online consumers are different from offline consumers. They might be the same people, but the screen and the distance make a huge difference to the way they approach your product and the ways in which you can approach them.

IPU is a new way of getting income online

Have you got the information to make money in a legal way in the Internet? Now you can count on the IPU (Idle Processor Utilization Services). Let’s make money online.

Are you ready to make money online?

Get your complete information as described below:

The LEGITIMATE means to make money from your idle computer time!

You never have to invest a penny to make money at Idle Processor Utilization Services. When it is released, simply download the small Processor application, let it run in the background, and use your computer as you normally would. You will never know it is there, unless you want to view it to see what your pay rate is, information on your referrals/downline are, etc. You never have to do a thing if you do not want to, and you will still earn money.But there is a higher level available; a Division Account Manager.

Discover: Idle Processor Utilization Services Plan:

Tips for online business

If you really seriously want to succeed as an online entrepreneur, then the thing which is very important in online business is traffic. With the high traffic, then the chances to reach success in online business becomes very large. Due to high traffic can potentially make money. Not surprisingly, the internet marketer trying to increase website traffic in different ways. There are several ways to increase / improve traffic, which, if done consistently will be able to provide overflow traffic to your website.

Here are some tips on how to increase traffic and your website / blog is:
make money online, online business, tips to make money online
Make money online

 Submit blog to Search Engines
In order for your website can be quickly indexed by search engines, and then we need to register the website / blog to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN.
 How to register a website in search engines can be found in the way of the web sites listed on search engines.

 Content updated continuously
Try to keep your blog updated frequently, because in addition to increasing traffic also affects the position of blogs in search results on search engines.

 Advertise your Website / Blog

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Make Money in Digital World

We are so lucky because we are live in a new era: digital world. This is your chance to change your lifestyle.
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Make money online. Image:

Are you ready to live in a digital world? Internet is gateway to find a lot of solutions to create a better life. You can make money from home. Use and maximize your laptop or your PC to earn money online. Today there is numerous works from home opportunities available. Many people dream of being their own boss so they can spend more time enjoying their family and children. The solution may be a home based business. Work from home opportunities can help to restore balance between work and home life making it possible for Moms and dads to successfully balance work and family.

You can start a new business as a financial consultant or agent in Insurance Company, real estate agent, broker, etc, but there are many works at home opportunities available and often when someone is searching for the right one it becomes over whelming. No matter how difficult it may seem sorting through the many opportunities has to be done in order to find those that are legitimate. The goal will be to find the opportunities that are first of all legitimate and also that show proof they can produce the income you desire.

Keep Your Dreams Alive

"Dreams will determine what you want in life..... Actions will determine what you get in life" because "Great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities, but to make them".

A real world is today. This is your time to change your life. There are a lot of business opportunities. Just use and maximize your computer to create a new fortune. Don’t waste your time just for chatting. There are many people out there already rich because they work from home with their laptop or their PC. They make money more than US$500 per month, even per day. Is that possible?

You can use Google search box in this blog to search a new or other existing business. Take your time. You also can find very good online business information on the right side of this blog. So, this blog is very useful.

We are live in digital era. Use your short time to make money online from now, so you can enjoy a long vacation in paradise in the future. Life is so beautiful. If you have enough money you can buy a lot of thing – pay your debt – pay your bills – invest in insurance company, help other people, etc.

Good luck and have fun.

Make Money Online